Dowsing Protocol for Rain

Samuel Taylor ParkThis protocol for Rain was posted in our February Newsletter, and we were getting so many good reports with its success, we thought it would be a good idea to post in on our blog.

 You can add or modify to this for  your own area and situation.  

 A Protocol for Rain for California:  We are experiencing the worst drought in recorded California history.  We would really appreciate your assistance.  The following is a suggested protocol for your use in assisting us in ending this drought.

 Weather is governed by the weather divas who plan things and oversee their development, and the weather spirits who actually do the work of moving things around; setting up high and low pressure areas, routing streams of warm and cold air, wet and dry air, the jet streams, fogs and all the other components that go to make up the weather that we experience.

 The divas and spirits are energy, just as we are.  They have consciousness and minds.  Like us, they sometimes make mistakes or forget things.  When things get forgotten or mistakes are made, other beings suffer.  Sometimes the weather energies are so focused on their world and goals that they don’t notice that a problem has developed.

 In this case, it appears that they set a high pressure ridge off of the coast of California and then forgot about it.  The result was that California remained without normal rainfall for several months while other parts of the country were inundated with rain, snow and below-normal temperatures.

Plants, animals and people suffered because of the forgetfulness of the weather-beings.  Some suffered and died because of dryness; some suffered and died from the cold.

 No being truly means to deliberately harm other beings; once a problem is pointed out, normal beings hasten to correct that which is causing harm.

We simply opened a channel (by praying) to the weather-beings and told them that they seem to have forgotten to move the high pressure ridge and that many life forms were suffering because of it.   We asked them to move the ridge to a location where it would benefit all life insisted of causing problems and suffering.

It did not take long (about two days) for weather spirits to move the ridge slightly and for light rain to pass through the area.

 We expressed great thanks for the fresh moisture and asked if they could please move it further so that true storms, what we in Central California call the “pineapple express,” because the storms originate near Hawaii, could develop so as to bring us rain and also that the cold and snow elsewhere would be abated, ending the suffering in the Midwest and East.  The ridge is moving again and we have a forecast of a week of wet weather.

 Please, do this request yourselves, and assist in bringing the much-needed winter storms back to California.

 Be sure to thank the weather divas and the weather spirits for their work on our behalf.  Our gratitude is their incentive to assist us when we request it.

 Remember:  You can add or modify to this for  your own area.    We welcome your own input, additions and conversation to this protocol.


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