Reality Shifts, Quantum Jumps, and the Mandela Effect

Art from Insspirito

by Cynthia Sue Larson,
Keynote speaker at this year’s conference.

There’s a common assumption that we share one common reality. This assumption may seem so obvious as to not be worth mentioning—except that it’s quite possibly untrue. Mark Twain once wrote, “the report of my death was an exaggeration,” when he heard people thought they’d seen reports of his death. According to my research and surveys reported in my book, Quantum Jumps, 27% of 567 people surveyed reported that they have “seen dead people and animals alive again.” 

Commonly reported reality shifts and Mandela Effects involve objects changing, or vanishing and reappearing, and involve changes to movies, songs, books, and products—and people or animals previously reported dead being alive again.
What’s going on when we observe such reality shifts and Mandela Effects? Quantum phenomena occurs at all levels of reality—not just ‘in the quantum realm.’ Such phenomena involves instantaneous changes of state, and includes seemingly improbable things as: so-called ‘spooky action at a distance,’ and instantaneous exchanges of information through quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation, and superpositions of states (where quanta can simultaneously be in two possible states at the same time). Quantum phenomena require an Observer, and the measurements obtained by an Observer has everything to do with what choices the Observer makes. Observers can influence past events also, so choices made now can change what has previously occurred. We notice reality shifts when we are both the Actors and the Observers in our lives, witnessing more than one set of historical events. An Observer’s awareness of having jumped between realities or timelines can seem like a paradox, if all possible realities might co-exist, yet we typically only remember one—or perhaps two.

New paradigms take time to be fully adopted, and what we are witnessing now at this dawn of the Quantum Age is the letting go of old Aristotelian logic with its three basic principles of: identity, contradiction, and the excluded middle. Quantum physics has pretty much completely overturned this classical logic apple cart, but the scientific method has not yet adopted the much more comprehensive and complete quantum logic, with its co-existing, overlapping possibilities.

We typically believe we live in a ‘classical physics’ world, yet we are seeing ever-increasing evidence that suggests primacy of quantum physics. And some of the greatest insights can come from taking a closer look at ways that quantum physics differs from classical physics.
Some differences between classical and quantum physics include:
Quantum physics requires an Observer outside of the system being perceived, while Classical physics does not. Who “I” am as an Observer is of central significance in the reality I subsequently observe. We gain the ability to expand our sense of self by noticing we are both actors and observers in our lives, laying the groundwork for becoming capable of witnessing more than one set of historical events.

Quantum physics utilizes a concept of ‘quanta’ in which events occur in discontinuous, ‘stair step’ fashion; classical physics events occur on a smooth continuum. All scientific fields are starting to incorporate quantum jumps in such new fields as: Quantum Biology, Quantum Chemistry, and Quantum Astronomy. Nature is especially adept and adroit at utilizing quantum retrocausality (in which we in the present can affect the past) to produce exceptionally high levels of efficiencies in such natural processes as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis has been proven to be an example of quantum phenomena occurring where scientists never would have expected to find it—in warm, wet, messy, macroscopic (larger-than-Planck-scale) environments.

Quantum physics has disproven classical physics assumptions of: Material Realism (where it was assumed that only what can be measured matters); Locality (where it was assumed that non-local events do not occur); and Objectivity (where it was assumed that ‘objective measurements’ could be made without including an Observer’s choices).

We can see from quantum physics that we are Observers whose choices matter.
We are capable of recognizing reality shifts and Mandela Effects because we are capable of experiencing more than one possible history of events.
We can check on facts we thought we knew, or compare notes with people who also experienced events with us many years ago, and expect to occasionally be surprised that what we remember differs from the official history—and that’s OK. It’s more than OK, in the sense that this allows us to be part of a constantly evolving reality.

photo Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue Larson is a transformational speaker, best-selling author, and life coach whose new book, Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity, is available at:

Cynthia will be the keynote speaker this year
at the West Coast Dowsers Conference!

Dowse to Let Go and Move On

Identify, (Catch), Love and Let Go

Identify, (Catch), Love and Let Go

Now that we have (Phew!) moved through 2014 and are ready to spring forward into 2015, it might be a good time to take another look at just releasing any remnants of what we were “releasing” in 2014!   I for one, am ready to to move forward.  So where do we begin?

Catch, Love and Release

Melinda Iverson-Inn, longtime dowser and speaker at the West Coast Dowsers Conference offers this helpful protocol/tool to get started:

 “Man can misuse his free will and do wrong, but that temporary delusion can never erase the mark of immortality and perfection of God’s image imprinted on his soul.”-Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi)

So you did or said something not-so-nice to someone else. If so, you would not be the first person to exercise free will based on some misunderstanding about the Self (our true being) vs. the little-s self (the conditioned internal story that our ego is convinced is really us).

Our physical/emotional/spiritual reactions to memories of the past tend to be a default setting that we slip back into when these memories push us up against a perceived wall or into a perceived corner with (in our minds) no other possible way out. That default setting is the little ego-self’s way of dealing with memories.

Is there a way to let go? Do you have a plan to release yourself from mental discomfort, guilt, or even torture invoked by memories of your self-judged “bad” deeds or words? Or do you believe, somewhere in your unconscious mind, that you deserve to carry the pain a bit longer?

The choice is always ours, and yet it’s amazing how many of us feel enslaved to emotional, mental, and spiritual memories of our past selves—mostly caused by misunderstandings about who we are, where we have come from, and what we have done. That unconscious lens of misunderstanding is what we use to view/cope with events in the present. Then we’re uncomfortable and we don’t know why.

Sometimes we continue to carry such hindrances because some part of us believes that we deserve to suffer. Sometimes our conscious mind thinks we have resolved the issue, and then we encounter our “victim,” or someone else who shares with us that they have done the same thing to another, and we feel the guilty pain and suffering all over again.

Some believe there may be a karmic imprint that must be resolved.

But whatever the energies at work, you are the only one who can

1) release the suffering, and

2) deal with the condition of continually holding yourself hostage to memories related to unkind thoughts, actions or word exchanges.

Nothing will happen to resolve this situation until you do something about it; the good news is that you already have.

You have, in your infinite and unconscious wisdom (however deeply buried it may be), set yourself up to encounter, in your life, circumstances involving people, places and things that will create the opportunities for releasing and making right your previous memories of wrong.

These circumstances could be anything from your office dynamics to your primary partner, or the children you have or teach. They include the grocery clerk who frowns at you for no apparent reason; the airlines flight attendant who is dismissive or curt; the everyday people you encounter or interact with at the local coffee hangout. These are the people with whom you have a connection because of your particular memories, either from this lifetime or a past one.

Some people with memories that need to be cleared may trigger them by watching certain movies over and over, not realizing that, on a unconscious level, they are trying to release a memory and make right a wrong from the past, or heal a memory about themselves or another.

For example; a person that likes to watch Knights Templar movies over and over may have been a Knight Templar, or have been associated with one, in a past lifetime, and there also may be some associated memory or circumstance surfacing that is asking to be realized (caught), loved and released.

When we evoke such memories, consciously or unconsciously, we may feel as if we are pushed up against a mental wall or into an emotional corner and trapped. We can struggle against them, tell ourselves all kinds of stories, but absolutely nothing will happen to resolve the situation unless we take the right action.

What is the right action?

Here are some of the things we can do when we are overwhelmed, pained, trapped, or otherwise affected by memories of past thoughts and deeds:

  1. Dowse for a pattern. Recognize your creation of the same circumstance over and over, perhaps in variations on the same theme.
  2. Know that it does not matter when, where or with whom a troubling memory took place; it can be healed and released.
  3. If the discomfort stems from a present life situation, make Dowse to amends to the other(s) involved, even if they don’t respond. Their response is not your responsibility.
  4. Break the habit of the knee-jerk response by trying something different. When you watch a type of movie that fascinates you (as in the Knights Templar example above), ask yourself what role you identify with and how you might do it differently today. Perhaps you would put down your sword and walk away. Or Instead of raising your voice, soften it. Or smile/laugh at a frowning/menacing person. Remember, it’s only a movie, and you are here in a new movie of life.
  5. When you meet with someone who triggers an unpleasant past emotional memory, ask: “How may I help you?” Even if you just ask this question silently of yourself, being of service is really the only way out. When you do so, you can transmute a memory of pain into an impulse of kindness.

In the end, what we are suggesting that you do is this: try to identify, (catch) the fact that there is some kind of mind-glitch memory causing your mental difficulty or inappropriate behavior; take the right action (love it) as best you can; and then let it go (release it).

It’s absolutely okay to love and leave the memories that bind you to behaviors and actions that result in your suffering or that of others. We have all behaved as the good, the bad, and the ugly at some point in our multidimensional history. The ability to resolve the results of past behavior is what makes you the aware being you are today.

Remember, as stated by Paramahansa Yogananda,

“…that temporary delusion (those actions) can never erase the mark of immortality and perfection of God’s image imprinted on his (our) soul.”

Thank God and Yippee!!

Melinda Iverson Inn



Dowsing to Enhance the Holidays

Gingerbread Family

Families and Holidays

Submitted by Dick and Karen Tippett

The holidays are an emotional time for all of us. Some, because we feel alone and want to be with others.  Some, because we simply want to be alone, with no demands on us.  Some, because we are with family….

No doubt this is because of the very close relationship that we have with our family, whether they are relatives or our chosen, extended family; perhaps because we know them so well. Certainly, when you spend years of your life with someone, the closeness can drive their idiosynchronies deep under your skin, only to emerge when you receive clothes that are the wrong size (again!) or the turkey isn’t perfectly done, or someone wants succotash instead of string bean casserole, or some of them are late (as usual) or all the men are watching football and have shoo’ed all the kids into the kitchen where the women are doing their best to hold it all together amid the stresses of finishing a perfect feast!

 It is at these times that the desire to be a happy family together meets the frustrated desire to express one’s self openly and freely.

 Dowsing provides an opportunity to transform all of the potential stressors into positive enjoyment of each other, to experience each ones’ idiosyncrasies as simply defining who they are, or just to enhance our own enjoyment of the season no matter what we do, where we are, who we are with or who we aren’t with.

Dowse to Adjust Energies!
Take your favorite dowsing tool.

  Ask: “Can I, may I, should I   dowse to clear all of the non-beneficial energies between all of those who will be present for the holidays and that will interfere with all of us enjoying each others’ company?”  when you get a “yes” answer to all three questions, let your tool work in the direction that clears energy (usually counter-clockwise) and ask that all of the energy that is non-beneficial to everone’s enjoying being together be neutralized and scrambled.

Let your tool work until it indicates that all of the energy has been neutralized/scrambled.  This is usually indicated by your tool moving in the “yes” position.

Now ask the universe to take the neutralized and scrambled energy and to transform it to the highest, best and most appropriate level to facilitate everyone having a happy, fun, stress-free time together.  The tool should work in the direction that strengthens and amplifies energy (usually clockwise)  until all of the energy is transformed into energy that is beneficial to the group’s enjoyment of each other.  Your tool should again be moving in the “yes” position, indicating that the task is complete.

Another way to “dowse” for a pleasureable time is to ask that all of the disharmonies between those who will be there come into harmony with themselves and each other.  Let your tool work in a strengthening or clockwise direction until it signals that it is complete by going to the ‘Yes” position.

Yet another way is to ‘hire the heavens.”   Ask that the most appropriate free-choice, white light, positive side being be provided to you to assist you so that you can enjoy a pleasant, stress-free holiday, or good time of your choosing.  Ask them to do specific tasks.  This is particularly useful when you are overwhelmed, or are looking for special gifts for people.

 It is best to do these dowses at least one day, preferably two days before the get-together.  Another very good thing to do is to perform the same clearing on the energy of the room/house where you will all be getting together.

Quiet Gratitude & Contemplation   There is also great comfort and much joy to be had in simply sitting quietly and talking to those with whom you have been close and who are no longer physically among us.  I miss my brothers at this time of year, and it is good to simply think of them and remember.

 On behalf of the West Coast Conference, we wish you the most wonderful holiday and the happiest of New Years!

Submitted by Dick and Karen Tippett

Geoprosperous* Places – A New Focus for Health


How do you determine the best place for you to live or be?  Master Dowser Susan Collins offers this article on finding your own Geoprosperous Places.   Susan will teach an advanced course July 3rd, at the West Coast Dowsers Conference in July at Santa Cruz, CA.

 Finding Your Own Geoprosperous Places

by Susan Collins

“I, for one, am sick of looking for things that make me sick. Why is it that the dowsing community is so focused on all things non-beneficial when we know we get what we think about? We know we create our own realities, and the realities we apparently enjoy spending time with include, among other things, homes filled with Geopathic Stress. (“Geo” referring to the earth, “pathic” referring to suffering or inaction.)

Our alarmist culture has spread the word that harmful energies exist everywhere, and dowsers keep finding and naming new types of energy that interfere with our health, wealth and happiness. To be honest, it’s been good for my business, since I spend a good part of every day helping people balance the problems in their environments, but isn’t it time we shifted our collective focus to energies that make us healthy?

If we get what we think about, let’s think about and look for beneficial energy places, something I’ve always referred to as Power Spots. I’ve been inspired to develop a new term for these places that will help and heal us: Geoprosperous Places. (“Geo” referring to earth, “prosperous” referring to, you guessed it, prosperity.)

Let’s focus on finding places that are healthy for us and maximizing the beneficial effects of those places. Let us invite prosperity, love and joy into our lives. Let us experience abundance in all things. Yes of course there may be things around us that are not good for us, but there is a tremendous amount of energy around us that supports us: Geoprosperous energies.

By focusing on the beneficial energies around us, we can become high pressure systems of beneficial energy. Energies which do not serve us will automatically be dispersed in the same way low pressure areas are. Another way to view this is to remember that darkness cannot exist where there is light. Our focus on Geoprosperity will elminate Geopathic Stress.

Geoprosperous Areas

A Geoprosperous area can be as small as your office chair or as large as a remote valley you hike into. You can seek out these beneficial areas in an environment, or you can simply ask them to come to you where you need them. It is a key concept in the energy world that the energies you seek will come to you. So if you’re having a bad day on the job, you can simply ask for the beneficial energies you need to get through the day.

I had the good fortune to be teaching a class for the Canadian Society of Questers in Salmon Arm, B.C. in the fall of 2010. I introduced the concept that not only are there Geoprosperous Spots, but that the energies you need will come to you. An older man in the audience had come into the class using a cane for support; he’d hurt his leg in an accident at work. He took the information I presented to heart, and realized that with each step he took, he could ask for healing energy for his leg. By the end of the class he had tucked the cane up under his arm, and was no longer using it for support.

Power Spots 

The concept of Power Spots was first given to me by the late Bruce Magill. I’ll never forget the Canadian Society of Dowser’s conference when Bruce, a big, intimidating man, solemnly got up on stage and told us he had discovered Laughing Spots – places so powerful that when he stood on them, he was convulsed with belly laughs. He proceeded to demonstrate (and with Brucey, that was something to witness) and his laughter was contagious. When the laughter died down he told us that you could ask for a spot for anything you needed, and I’ve been teaching his concept ever since.

How to Find a Geoprosperous Spot

You can find a Geoprosperous place the same way you find anything else with dowsing. The easiest tools to use are L-rods and pendulums. Geoprosperous spots will come to you if you ask them to.

1. Use a Dowsing Protocol to connect with the best and highest good so that your answers are accurate and helpful. (The Dowsing Protocol I use is at and is also given in all my books.)

2. If you have a specific issue you want help with, such as “I feel tired”, set your intention to find a spot that will assist you in having an alert state of mind and body. (See examples in the article). State clearly what you are looking for. I often just say something like: “I ask for a spot to give me the most appropriate energy for me at this time so that I may be completely balanced in all aspects of my being.”

 3a. If you are using L-rods:

• Say “L-rods, point to the closest spot that will help me resolve the issue … (state the issue) 

• Walk forward slowly saying “L-rods, cross when I get to the spot that will help me resolve …

• When the rods cross, ask “L-rods, is this the spot?” If NO, ask the rods to point to where you you identified in Step 2.”)

(state the issue you identified in Step 2.”) then  slowly walk in that direction until the rods cross. Confirm the spot.

 3b. If you are using a pendulum: 

• Say “Pendulum, swing to the closest spot that will help me resolve the issue … (state the

• When the pendulum swings clockwise, ask “Pendulum, is this the spot?” If NO, ask the issue you identified in Step 2.”) Walk forward slowly saying “Pendulum, swing clockwise when I get to the spot that will help me resolve … (state the issue you identified in Step 2.”)

To begin: hold the pendulum at the level of your belly button in front of your body and have it swing away and towards your body. Walk slowly in the direction that the pendulum is swinging. If it angles away from your body to the left, go left. If it angles away from your body to the right, go right. As you get close to the Geoprosperous spot, the pendulum will begin to swing clockwise. When you are right on it, the pendulum will swing strongly. pendulum to swing in the direction you walk. Walk forward slowly until the pendulum swings clockwise. Confirm the spot. Sometimes it can be a bit hard to tell from the motion of the pendulum exactly where the spot is. Make your best guess, then confirm with a YES or NO answer by asking if you are standing on the spot that will help you balance your issue.

4. Now that you’ve found the spot, let your hands relax at your sides, let your knees relax a bit, close your eyes, take a deep breath and think to yourself “I ask to receive the beneficial energies available to me at this spot, particularly those connected with … (state the issue you identified in Step 2.”)

5. You may feel something in your body – a motion, a thought, a vision or other sensation. When the experience seems complete, step off the spot. Ask with your tool if there is anything more for you to do at this spot. Ask if there is another Geoprosperous Spot you should experience now.

6. Jot down any thoughts or experiences and keep track of your progress.

Examples of Issues and Solutions    Use the procedures described above to find your own Geoprosperous Spots. Dowse through the sample list below to see which of these statements, if any, are appropriate for you to work with at this time. Adapt the wording of the issues and solutions statements to your own needs and traditions to get the maximum benefit. Remember, when in doubt you can always say something like: “I ask for a spot to give me the most appropriate energy for me at this time so that I may be completely balanced in all aspects of my being.”

• Not enough money: “I ask for a Geoprosperous Spot (GS) to reduce barriers to my prosperity and to increase my experience of financial abundance on an ongoing basis.”

• Lonely: “I ask for a GS to disconnect my reluctance to communicate with people and to increase my ability to relate to others in a healthy way on an ongoing basis.”

• Sad or regretful: “I ask for a GS to help me let go of memories that no longer serve me and to increase my experience of happiness on an ongoing basis.”

• Confused or forgetful: “I ask for a GS to eliminate all thoughts, emotions and energies that interfere with clear thinking and to increase my abilities to recognize truth and value on an ongoing basis.”

• Angry or afraid : “I ask for a GS to disconnect all non-beneficial emotions that interfere with my ability to think clearly and to increase my ability to take appropriate actions in a timely way on an ongoing basis.”

• Hungry or tired: “I ask for a GS to remove my feelings of hunger and fatigue and to maximize the environmental energies available to me so that my body can be healthy and strong until the time I can get the healthy food and rest I need on an ongoing basis.”

• Lost: “I ask for a GS to disconnect all energies of confusion and increase the energies around me that will direct me to a safe place so that I can complete my journey.”

• Sick body: “I ask for a GS to disconnect all non-beneficial energies around every aspect of my being at the appropriate rate so that all the energies around me create perfect health physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and energetically.”

• What’s your issue?: Create your own statement … “I ask for a GS to…”

I invite you to find your own Geoprosperous places. Let me know how it turns out for you! For more information about dowsing and how to dowse, please visit my website:

* The terms: Geoprosperous, and Geoprosperity are copyright by Susan Collins. This article may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.


Susan Collins is a Personal Management Consultant, Professional Dowser, author and international workshop leader with a dynamic private practice. She is a past President and Dowser of the Year (2006) of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and a member of both the American and British Societies of Dowsers. She will be leading a full day workshop on July 3 at the Dowsers West Coast Conference.

Contact: 905-833-2440, Website:

Not to be reproduced without written permission of Susan Collins

Dowsing Protocol for Rain

Samuel Taylor ParkThis protocol for Rain was posted in our February Newsletter, and we were getting so many good reports with its success, we thought it would be a good idea to post in on our blog.

 You can add or modify to this for  your own area and situation.  

 A Protocol for Rain for California:  We are experiencing the worst drought in recorded California history.  We would really appreciate your assistance.  The following is a suggested protocol for your use in assisting us in ending this drought.

 Weather is governed by the weather divas who plan things and oversee their development, and the weather spirits who actually do the work of moving things around; setting up high and low pressure areas, routing streams of warm and cold air, wet and dry air, the jet streams, fogs and all the other components that go to make up the weather that we experience.

 The divas and spirits are energy, just as we are.  They have consciousness and minds.  Like us, they sometimes make mistakes or forget things.  When things get forgotten or mistakes are made, other beings suffer.  Sometimes the weather energies are so focused on their world and goals that they don’t notice that a problem has developed.

 In this case, it appears that they set a high pressure ridge off of the coast of California and then forgot about it.  The result was that California remained without normal rainfall for several months while other parts of the country were inundated with rain, snow and below-normal temperatures.

Plants, animals and people suffered because of the forgetfulness of the weather-beings.  Some suffered and died because of dryness; some suffered and died from the cold.

 No being truly means to deliberately harm other beings; once a problem is pointed out, normal beings hasten to correct that which is causing harm.

We simply opened a channel (by praying) to the weather-beings and told them that they seem to have forgotten to move the high pressure ridge and that many life forms were suffering because of it.   We asked them to move the ridge to a location where it would benefit all life insisted of causing problems and suffering.

It did not take long (about two days) for weather spirits to move the ridge slightly and for light rain to pass through the area.

 We expressed great thanks for the fresh moisture and asked if they could please move it further so that true storms, what we in Central California call the “pineapple express,” because the storms originate near Hawaii, could develop so as to bring us rain and also that the cold and snow elsewhere would be abated, ending the suffering in the Midwest and East.  The ridge is moving again and we have a forecast of a week of wet weather.

 Please, do this request yourselves, and assist in bringing the much-needed winter storms back to California.

 Be sure to thank the weather divas and the weather spirits for their work on our behalf.  Our gratitude is their incentive to assist us when we request it.

 Remember:  You can add or modify to this for  your own area.    We welcome your own input, additions and conversation to this protocol.
