What is Therapeutic Dowsing?

Art from Insspirito

by Roxanne Louise,
Presenter at 2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference,
June 29-July 2.

While dowsing can be used for literally everything, I use it extensively to locate and clear stuck energies, both for myself on a regular basis, and for my clients. Stuck energies include mental and emotional issues and upsets that have piled up and make dealing with current issues, staying healthy or healing if you are ill, achieving your goals, and living your life with enthusiasm and abundant vitality much more difficult. So freeing up this energy is vital to all areas of your life. It includes not just the unpleasant memories but also the negative beliefs and judgments about those events that continue to color your world and limit you in multiple ways including resolving it effectively.

How does energy get stuck? 
Basically, energy gets stuck when it is unprocessed. Perhaps when an upset occurred, you didn’t know how to deal with it and, therefore, didn’t. Perhaps you were too young. Perhaps you didn’t have the skills, or the awareness of what you were registering on an unconscious level. Perhaps your family, culture or religion taught you to deny and not express your thoughts and the resulting emotions. So you may have stuffed your feelings instead of quickly resolving them thereby avoiding future issues.

On the other hand, even if you had the awareness of the importance of resolving issues and even the therapeutic skills, you may have had neither the time or energy to do so. This frequently happens during a crisis, ill health, or overwhelm. By the time the emergency passes, you may be so busy on catching up on other needed tasks, that you lack any interest in going back to dealing with past unpleasantries.

A Wake-Up Call
My experience shows that after a prolonged time of continual build-up of unprocessed negative emotions and the non-beneficial thoughts around unpleasant events, it becomes difficult to keep such memories and feelings from resurfacing and contaminating the present. This may show up as illness, insomnia, nightmares, relationship issues, increasing irritation, explosive bursts of anger, depression, malaise, feeling victimized, etc. In short, it can demonstrate as sensitivities and issues in any area of life.

Dowsing can help!
When I first learned dowsing in 1990, I was given about a dozen half-circle charts and checklists. These included one chart each for positive emotions that could be blocked or needed to be increased, and for negative emotions that needed to be cleared. It included checklists with names of key relationships (mother, father, brother, sister, etc). to identify the percentage of positive and negative energy attached to each.

Since I was already a hypnotherapist, I went home and within the first year made hundreds of more charts and checklists for my clients and myself. This included an extensive listing of typical events (birthdays, holidays, first day of school, etc.), and activities (public speaking, driving a car, balancing a checkbook, etc.). I listed fears, defense mechanisms, addictive thinking, negative beliefs and judgments, attitude, and issues. I included secondary gain, shadow issues, archetypes, traumas, reasons for smoking, and the physical and psychological reasons for overeating, and much more.

This material eventually was published in a pendulum course manual, Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing available through my website, www.RoxanneLouise.com
Once I identified what needed to be addressed, I extracted the positive learning or wisdom that could be extracted,  healed or cleared the upset or limiting belief, and then finished with installing the positive opposite through dowsing. I also had dowsing charts for helpful therapies, modalities and activities.

To process the issue, I formed a very strong, clear intent of what I wanted done, and held it while the pendulum was spinning. Then I checked with the pendulum that it was in fact done, or the degree to which I had been successful.
If the problem was not yet fully resolved, I investigated other aspects of the problem. Such aspects could be other emotions, beliefs, judgments, associations. For example, I might be angry at someone, but also angry and ashamed at myself, and humiliated in front of others. I might have had similar experiences with that same person and with others in the past. I may be projecting more of the same occurring in the future. I may as a result be avoiding seeing anyone involved lest it bring up the emotions with the memory.

This practice of dowsing to locate and clear mental and emotional issues has over time resulted in me experiencing much greater peace of mind. Things don’t upset me as easily. I am triggered less. Dramas have receded into the past. I have overcome major challenges with some grace. And I have helped others do the same. Consequently, I fully recommend that others learn how to do this for themselves. This is so empowering as well as healing. You will be able to quickly deal with things, anytime – day or night, anyplace, on your own. And if you need additional help beyond this, you will also be able to know who and what to seek out or research.

Roxanne Louise will teach a daylong workshop: “Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing: Dowsing for Mental & Emotional Issues” at the West Coast Conference in Santa Cruz, July 3. Register here http://www.dowserswestcoast.org/

photoAlan HandelsmanRoxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Dowser, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally and at national conferences, and writing books. She is known for her ability to integrate multiple modalities for a powerful synergistic effect that enables profound healing not possible with one modality alone, and in a way not previously done by others.

Dowsing is phenomenally fast at locating and then resolving the root and related causes of mental and emotional issues. In this workshop, we will work with a large number of charts and checklists to identify and release stuck energies, extract the positive learning from experiences, and enhance positive energy. This frees up energy that can be applied elsewhere – physical healing, personal goal achievement, and living your life with greater enthusiasm, joy and vitality. We will investigate: each year of your life including the future, key relationships, typical life events, beliefs, judgments, prejudices, addictive thinking, fears and other emotions, repeating negative patterns and habits.
While covering all this may seem a formidable task, Roxanne will show you a shortcut to cut to the chase of the matter. Not only will you learn how to do all of the above for yourself, but to do so telepathically with others who have requested your assistance.

The Wisdom in Loss: Let’s Lose the Baggage!

Old baggage

By Melinda Iverson Inn
Health and Wellness Dowsing Specialist
and presenter at this year’s conference, June 29-July 3

One day my dear husband and I went shopping at one of the local large home-improvement stores. He needed to pick up something or other for the house, and wanting to be a supportive partner, I went along for the ride. We entered the store and began searching the aisles. As he continued the search for his item, I stopped to examine an interesting find and stood in the aisle fascinated by this object. I don’t remember how long I actually stayed there admiring whatever-it-was that was so fascinating, but when I looked up, my husband had moved on to another part of the store. It’s a big store, and I hadn’t seen in which direction he’d gone. All of a sudden a wave of frustration took over and I felt a rush of heat; right there, in the middle of the aisle, I stamped my foot. As soon as I did it, I realized something else was obviously going on. Really, when was the last time you stamped your foot over something? But there I was, a grown woman, acting like an angry two-year-old who felt abandoned in a store.

Lo and behold, I was a two year old, energetically, at that moment in time. Where did this obvious visceral, emotional reaction to such a benign situation come from? At that moment I did not know, but I was definitely going to find out.  This completely uncharacteristic reaction, albeit a bit amusing, prompted in me a desire to do a little investigating. What was the trauma that had been triggered? Could I release it? That day when I got back home, I went to straight to work, who wants to walk around as an angry 2 year old? Dowsing through a series of questions I had learned to ask my clients when helping them release their trauma blocks, I eventually narrowed down the search to a specific time frame, what other person was involved, and what caused the unwanted behavior. With the information discovered and using a reliable technique I was able to release the trauma.  Thank goodness. I suppose being 2 has its advantages, but not for a woman over 50!

The Process of 1
At that point I decided it was important to me to teach others how to do the process of 1. Recognizing a trauma; with some traumas it’s pretty easy to see and feel our reactions to seemingly harmless situations, and yet most of our traumas lie dormant until they are triggered. 2. Investigating; what questions need asking to really get to the root of the disharmony and subsequent reaction. 3 Make it as easy as possible to release whatever was discovered, which can bring us back to ease, inner spaciousness, harmony and ready for the next issue that I can pretty much guarantee will arise.

Dowsing can help!
Although my talk is titled the ‘Wisdom of Loss”, as I lost my home in the recent California wildfires, which taught me about trauma from a whole new perspective, its really about the ability to investigate our traumas and losses, and to see the wisdom in investing the time to lose our stuff, whether it’s a trauma, or an object its all the same. There are lessons to be learned: so that when we ultimately lose everything, including our bodies, it’s not a big deal.  The goal is to keep cleaning up our inner compost pile by releasing our inner attachments to things that don’t serve as useful to us anymore. Believe it or not, at one point in time or another those stinky banana peels, known as a particular idea created by a trauma, actually served us well.

At West Coast Dowers 2018, we’ll look into investigating the exploration of the trauma in loss, no matter how big or how small the experienced loss is, how to know when you are triggered, how to narrow down the search for the trigger, and a dowsing short cut to release the unconscious attachment to the trauma.

I’m excited to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones.
Come by my table, say “hello” and join the interactive talk on
Monday, July 2 at 10:45 am.

Melinda will be presenting:  “The Wisdom in Loss” at the West Coast Conference in Santa Cruz on June 29. Register here http://www.dowserswestcoast.org/

photoAlan HandelsmanMelinda Iverson Inn, helps conscious seekers like you to get in tune with your own intuitive wisdom to bring forth and create harmony, balance, and clarity, for your health and wellbeing.
Get your free 15-minute Self-Healing Discovery session with Melinda at 
O: 415-508-6847
SKYPE: melindainn
What’sApp: +1 415 385 0347

Dowsing to Enhance the Holidays

Gingerbread Family

Families and Holidays

Submitted by Dick and Karen Tippett

The holidays are an emotional time for all of us. Some, because we feel alone and want to be with others.  Some, because we simply want to be alone, with no demands on us.  Some, because we are with family….

No doubt this is because of the very close relationship that we have with our family, whether they are relatives or our chosen, extended family; perhaps because we know them so well. Certainly, when you spend years of your life with someone, the closeness can drive their idiosynchronies deep under your skin, only to emerge when you receive clothes that are the wrong size (again!) or the turkey isn’t perfectly done, or someone wants succotash instead of string bean casserole, or some of them are late (as usual) or all the men are watching football and have shoo’ed all the kids into the kitchen where the women are doing their best to hold it all together amid the stresses of finishing a perfect feast!

 It is at these times that the desire to be a happy family together meets the frustrated desire to express one’s self openly and freely.

 Dowsing provides an opportunity to transform all of the potential stressors into positive enjoyment of each other, to experience each ones’ idiosyncrasies as simply defining who they are, or just to enhance our own enjoyment of the season no matter what we do, where we are, who we are with or who we aren’t with.

Dowse to Adjust Energies!
Take your favorite dowsing tool.

  Ask: “Can I, may I, should I   dowse to clear all of the non-beneficial energies between all of those who will be present for the holidays and that will interfere with all of us enjoying each others’ company?”  when you get a “yes” answer to all three questions, let your tool work in the direction that clears energy (usually counter-clockwise) and ask that all of the energy that is non-beneficial to everone’s enjoying being together be neutralized and scrambled.

Let your tool work until it indicates that all of the energy has been neutralized/scrambled.  This is usually indicated by your tool moving in the “yes” position.

Now ask the universe to take the neutralized and scrambled energy and to transform it to the highest, best and most appropriate level to facilitate everyone having a happy, fun, stress-free time together.  The tool should work in the direction that strengthens and amplifies energy (usually clockwise)  until all of the energy is transformed into energy that is beneficial to the group’s enjoyment of each other.  Your tool should again be moving in the “yes” position, indicating that the task is complete.

Another way to “dowse” for a pleasureable time is to ask that all of the disharmonies between those who will be there come into harmony with themselves and each other.  Let your tool work in a strengthening or clockwise direction until it signals that it is complete by going to the ‘Yes” position.

Yet another way is to ‘hire the heavens.”   Ask that the most appropriate free-choice, white light, positive side being be provided to you to assist you so that you can enjoy a pleasant, stress-free holiday, or good time of your choosing.  Ask them to do specific tasks.  This is particularly useful when you are overwhelmed, or are looking for special gifts for people.

 It is best to do these dowses at least one day, preferably two days before the get-together.  Another very good thing to do is to perform the same clearing on the energy of the room/house where you will all be getting together.

Quiet Gratitude & Contemplation   There is also great comfort and much joy to be had in simply sitting quietly and talking to those with whom you have been close and who are no longer physically among us.  I miss my brothers at this time of year, and it is good to simply think of them and remember.

 On behalf of the West Coast Conference, we wish you the most wonderful holiday and the happiest of New Years!

Submitted by Dick and Karen Tippett

Sustainability: What’s a Sustainable Lifestyle?





“If you can keep on using the amount of stuff you’re using in daily life forever, without ever running out, then your lifestyle is sustainable.”


How can dowsing help us live more sustainably?   Many of the speakers at the Dowsers Conference in Santa Cruz talked about how dowsing is a natural player in  sustainability.

Master Dowser and Geomancer Richard Feather Anderson offered an advanced dowsing class this year.  Here is more from Richard and his insight on sustainability:

“I think most of us in the dowsing community are consciously awake enough to know that we are currently engaged in non-sustainable lifestyles within a non-sustainable culture and economic system. The exciting thing about dowsers is that we’re already searching for ways to live healthier and in balance, and we don’t need to be convinced to change how we live. But we do need help figuring out what actions we can take personally. And that is what we do every other year at the West Coast Conference: we share ideas about the simple significant actions we can each incorporate into our lives to live simpler, better, more fulfilling lives that also make life better for all beings and critters. This year we will expand our usual how-to menus from the personal sphere to the well-being of our planetary home.

“Sustainability” has become a hot topic these days, which is a good thing for the planet and all us earthlings. It’s also become a buzzword in marketing, which sometimes clouds and confuses the real issues. So here’s a few thoughts I can offer in case you’re not sure what it’s all about, or have trouble explaining it to friends and acquaintances.

Sustainability is actually a very simple idea. I think of it as “treating Mother Earth right.” A phrase I coined says it in another way, “Giving back TO Mother Earth sustains a giving back FROM Mother Earth.” You can think of it as living in balance, or the ecological principle of reciprocity.

When we compost our kitchen scraps and grass clippings or fallen leaves, and spread the decomposed mulch around the vegetable garden or fruit trees, we’re feeding the soil so it can support the plants to grow more food for us to eat. We’re reciprocating, giving something back to Nature so it can keep giving to us.

To know if you are living a sustainable lifestyle, all you have to do is ask yourself, “Am I giving back to the Earth an equal measure for what I receive?” If the answer is yes, what you’re doing is sustainable. If you can keep on using the amount of stuff you’re using in daily life forever, without ever running out, then your lifestyle is sustainable.

To contact Richard:

2036 Nevada City Hwy #308    Grass Valley, CA 95945




Geoprosperous* Places – A New Focus for Health


How do you determine the best place for you to live or be?  Master Dowser Susan Collins offers this article on finding your own Geoprosperous Places.   Susan will teach an advanced course July 3rd, at the West Coast Dowsers Conference in July at Santa Cruz, CA.

 Finding Your Own Geoprosperous Places

by Susan Collins

“I, for one, am sick of looking for things that make me sick. Why is it that the dowsing community is so focused on all things non-beneficial when we know we get what we think about? We know we create our own realities, and the realities we apparently enjoy spending time with include, among other things, homes filled with Geopathic Stress. (“Geo” referring to the earth, “pathic” referring to suffering or inaction.)

Our alarmist culture has spread the word that harmful energies exist everywhere, and dowsers keep finding and naming new types of energy that interfere with our health, wealth and happiness. To be honest, it’s been good for my business, since I spend a good part of every day helping people balance the problems in their environments, but isn’t it time we shifted our collective focus to energies that make us healthy?

If we get what we think about, let’s think about and look for beneficial energy places, something I’ve always referred to as Power Spots. I’ve been inspired to develop a new term for these places that will help and heal us: Geoprosperous Places. (“Geo” referring to earth, “prosperous” referring to, you guessed it, prosperity.)

Let’s focus on finding places that are healthy for us and maximizing the beneficial effects of those places. Let us invite prosperity, love and joy into our lives. Let us experience abundance in all things. Yes of course there may be things around us that are not good for us, but there is a tremendous amount of energy around us that supports us: Geoprosperous energies.

By focusing on the beneficial energies around us, we can become high pressure systems of beneficial energy. Energies which do not serve us will automatically be dispersed in the same way low pressure areas are. Another way to view this is to remember that darkness cannot exist where there is light. Our focus on Geoprosperity will elminate Geopathic Stress.

Geoprosperous Areas

A Geoprosperous area can be as small as your office chair or as large as a remote valley you hike into. You can seek out these beneficial areas in an environment, or you can simply ask them to come to you where you need them. It is a key concept in the energy world that the energies you seek will come to you. So if you’re having a bad day on the job, you can simply ask for the beneficial energies you need to get through the day.

I had the good fortune to be teaching a class for the Canadian Society of Questers in Salmon Arm, B.C. in the fall of 2010. I introduced the concept that not only are there Geoprosperous Spots, but that the energies you need will come to you. An older man in the audience had come into the class using a cane for support; he’d hurt his leg in an accident at work. He took the information I presented to heart, and realized that with each step he took, he could ask for healing energy for his leg. By the end of the class he had tucked the cane up under his arm, and was no longer using it for support.

Power Spots 

The concept of Power Spots was first given to me by the late Bruce Magill. I’ll never forget the Canadian Society of Dowser’s conference when Bruce, a big, intimidating man, solemnly got up on stage and told us he had discovered Laughing Spots – places so powerful that when he stood on them, he was convulsed with belly laughs. He proceeded to demonstrate (and with Brucey, that was something to witness) and his laughter was contagious. When the laughter died down he told us that you could ask for a spot for anything you needed, and I’ve been teaching his concept ever since.

How to Find a Geoprosperous Spot

You can find a Geoprosperous place the same way you find anything else with dowsing. The easiest tools to use are L-rods and pendulums. Geoprosperous spots will come to you if you ask them to.

1. Use a Dowsing Protocol to connect with the best and highest good so that your answers are accurate and helpful. (The Dowsing Protocol I use is at www.dowser.ca/dowsingprotocol.html and is also given in all my books.)

2. If you have a specific issue you want help with, such as “I feel tired”, set your intention to find a spot that will assist you in having an alert state of mind and body. (See examples in the article). State clearly what you are looking for. I often just say something like: “I ask for a spot to give me the most appropriate energy for me at this time so that I may be completely balanced in all aspects of my being.”

 3a. If you are using L-rods:

• Say “L-rods, point to the closest spot that will help me resolve the issue … (state the issue) 

• Walk forward slowly saying “L-rods, cross when I get to the spot that will help me resolve …

• When the rods cross, ask “L-rods, is this the spot?” If NO, ask the rods to point to where you you identified in Step 2.”)

(state the issue you identified in Step 2.”) then  slowly walk in that direction until the rods cross. Confirm the spot.

 3b. If you are using a pendulum: 

• Say “Pendulum, swing to the closest spot that will help me resolve the issue … (state the

• When the pendulum swings clockwise, ask “Pendulum, is this the spot?” If NO, ask the issue you identified in Step 2.”) Walk forward slowly saying “Pendulum, swing clockwise when I get to the spot that will help me resolve … (state the issue you identified in Step 2.”)

To begin: hold the pendulum at the level of your belly button in front of your body and have it swing away and towards your body. Walk slowly in the direction that the pendulum is swinging. If it angles away from your body to the left, go left. If it angles away from your body to the right, go right. As you get close to the Geoprosperous spot, the pendulum will begin to swing clockwise. When you are right on it, the pendulum will swing strongly. pendulum to swing in the direction you walk. Walk forward slowly until the pendulum swings clockwise. Confirm the spot. Sometimes it can be a bit hard to tell from the motion of the pendulum exactly where the spot is. Make your best guess, then confirm with a YES or NO answer by asking if you are standing on the spot that will help you balance your issue.

4. Now that you’ve found the spot, let your hands relax at your sides, let your knees relax a bit, close your eyes, take a deep breath and think to yourself “I ask to receive the beneficial energies available to me at this spot, particularly those connected with … (state the issue you identified in Step 2.”)

5. You may feel something in your body – a motion, a thought, a vision or other sensation. When the experience seems complete, step off the spot. Ask with your tool if there is anything more for you to do at this spot. Ask if there is another Geoprosperous Spot you should experience now.

6. Jot down any thoughts or experiences and keep track of your progress.

Examples of Issues and Solutions    Use the procedures described above to find your own Geoprosperous Spots. Dowse through the sample list below to see which of these statements, if any, are appropriate for you to work with at this time. Adapt the wording of the issues and solutions statements to your own needs and traditions to get the maximum benefit. Remember, when in doubt you can always say something like: “I ask for a spot to give me the most appropriate energy for me at this time so that I may be completely balanced in all aspects of my being.”

• Not enough money: “I ask for a Geoprosperous Spot (GS) to reduce barriers to my prosperity and to increase my experience of financial abundance on an ongoing basis.”

• Lonely: “I ask for a GS to disconnect my reluctance to communicate with people and to increase my ability to relate to others in a healthy way on an ongoing basis.”

• Sad or regretful: “I ask for a GS to help me let go of memories that no longer serve me and to increase my experience of happiness on an ongoing basis.”

• Confused or forgetful: “I ask for a GS to eliminate all thoughts, emotions and energies that interfere with clear thinking and to increase my abilities to recognize truth and value on an ongoing basis.”

• Angry or afraid : “I ask for a GS to disconnect all non-beneficial emotions that interfere with my ability to think clearly and to increase my ability to take appropriate actions in a timely way on an ongoing basis.”

• Hungry or tired: “I ask for a GS to remove my feelings of hunger and fatigue and to maximize the environmental energies available to me so that my body can be healthy and strong until the time I can get the healthy food and rest I need on an ongoing basis.”

• Lost: “I ask for a GS to disconnect all energies of confusion and increase the energies around me that will direct me to a safe place so that I can complete my journey.”

• Sick body: “I ask for a GS to disconnect all non-beneficial energies around every aspect of my being at the appropriate rate so that all the energies around me create perfect health physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and energetically.”

• What’s your issue?: Create your own statement … “I ask for a GS to…”

I invite you to find your own Geoprosperous places. Let me know how it turns out for you! For more information about dowsing and how to dowse, please visit my website: http://www.dowser.ca.

* The terms: Geoprosperous, and Geoprosperity are copyright by Susan Collins. This article may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.


Susan Collins is a Personal Management Consultant, Professional Dowser, author and international workshop leader with a dynamic private practice. She is a past President and Dowser of the Year (2006) of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and a member of both the American and British Societies of Dowsers. She will be leading a full day workshop on July 3 at the Dowsers West Coast Conference.

Contact: 905-833-2440, susan@dowser.ca. Website: www.dowser.ca.

Not to be reproduced without written permission of Susan Collins

Learn about GMOs and Your Health

During the Foundation dowsing training at the West Coast Dowsers Conference in 2012, instructor and Master Dowser Ed Stillman had the class dowse the energetic food value and frequency of a regular store-bought apple, an “organic” apple bought from the store, and a locally grown apple offered at the cafeteria of UC Santa Cruz (where the conference was held).  The organic apple dowsed higher frequency and food value than the regular apple, and the locally grown apple dowsed higher than the store bought organic apple.  (Santa Cruz is known for its health supporting laws:  no chlorine in the city water, no GMOs, etc).

That’s the beauty of dowsing:  no matter what the food is labeled as, you can check the health and nutritional value by dowsing!


The Institute of Responsible Technology produced a 60-minute film:  Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives, which you can purchase at your local Whole Foods Market.  (Note: this is not meant as an advertisement, simply important information about your health and nutrition!)


Here’s more information:

genetic roulette

“Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of our Lives, produced by IRT and directed by Jeffrey M. Smith, is now available at your local Whole Foods Market.

Following an arresting package redesign by noted graphic designer Corey Holmes, we’ve cut together a knowledge-packed 60-minute version.  This film is a tremendous resource for explaining GMOs.  It takes us through the history of GMOs, defines exactly what they are, as well as going into great detail about why and how to avoid them.

Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of our Lives has clearly been shown to be the most effective way to convert others to a non-GMO diet and this new, shorter version is a valuable tool — a must-have for educating in a simple concise way.

Plus, proceeds from the DVD sales at Whole Foods go directly to supporting IRT’s efforts to illuminate consumers about the health and environmental risks associated with GMO consumption and outdoor release.

Upon successful sales of this release, we plan to continue our focus on more contributions to your good health.  Currently we’re looking to bring you even more information on how mothers and primary caregivers have greatly improved the health of themselves, their children and their pets by switching to a non-GMO diet.”

For more information go to http://www.responsibletechnology.org/


Guided Color Visualization: “The Color Trick”

Painting by Joan Champion

Painting by Joan Champion


Color is a funny thing.  While most people can identify between 150 and 200 colors, we don’t all see exactly the same colors.  In addition, the emotions and memories we associate with certain colors affect the world we see.

According to Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses, “Color doesn’t occur in the world, but in the mind”.    We use color to calm, to arouse, to energize, however colors can mean different things to different people, based on history, experiences and culture.

Alan Handelsman offers here a powerful process he calls the “Color Trick”.  You can use it to help shift emotional issues, reduce stress, or shift your perception of situations.  Alan will be our Keynote speaker (Friday July 4)  at the West Coast Conference in Santa Cruz, and will teach a daylong workshop on Monday, July 7. 

Doing Magic With Color, by Alan Handelsman

Some people might call the process you are about to learn guided imagery or visualization. Others may call it a meditation. I simply call it the “Color Trick.” I call it a trick for two reasons. The first is that it works like magic. Not the type of magic that is associated with an entertainer’s deception, but the kind of magic that is the art of controlling natural events and causing unaccountable or baffling effects. The magic that is science that hasn’t been explained yet.
The second reason I call this process a trick is because I consider all the methods I’ve learned and developed over the years to balance energy and effect changes as my “bag of tricks.” Whenever I am working with a person or a group, I reach into my bag of tricks and pull out something that will be effective for the situation. If one doesn’t work, I go back to the bag, and pull out another.
This “color trick” is a very effective item in my collection of energy modalities. It works just as well with any size group as it does in a one on one session. I have been ending each one of my group workshops with the Color Trick, and there has always been a very profound calmness and silence in the room afterward. You can also do the Color Trick or yourself, either by recording the directions into a tape recorder and then playing it back, or simply by taking yourself through the process step by step.
 The color trick consists of three basic steps:

  1. Identify and acknowledge some thought, emotion, or “issue” that you want to eliminate or change.  Experience that emotion a color. (Color #1)
  2. Identify the desired state of mind or being, and experience that as a color. (Color #2)
  3. Move Color #1 out, and replace it with Color #2.

    In the color trick you are not working with emotions directly, but with representations of the emotions. The use of color automatically involves the sense of sight, which makes the experience of the emotion more concrete, and therefore easier to change, and to notice those changes.
In the instructions below, I have been somewhat general, so that the format can be used in many different ways. I never use exactly the same words when I do the Color Trick. I say what comes into my head at the moment. The form stays pretty much the same, but the words change each time. When you use this process yourself, feel free to alter it in ways that will make it work better for you and those who are experiencing it along with you.
When you are working with a group of people, they will usually have a variety of issues. If you are working with one person, or a group dealing with a special topic (fear, anger, food cravings, etc.), then you can be more specific. This process can be done in as little as five minutes, or it can take up to 20 minutes, depending on how much time you have available.
Now, here is one possible way to talk through the Color Trick. Experiment with the words to make it as effective as possible for you. The words in brackets are not to be spoken, but simply comments to clarify the process along the way.

Continue reading

Ozark Research Institute: 22 Years Young and Growing

Ozark Research Institute

Ozark Research Institute


Many dowsers have trained or taught at Ozark Research Institute, and many ulumni from the ORI go on to join local Dowser groups or chapters (if they are not already connected).

Harold and Gladys McCoy, both Master Dowsers (Harold McCoy has since passed on and become a Sky Dowser) created The Ozark Research Institute in 1992.

Here´s more information on the Ozark Research Institute.

You can experience the power of healing energy at the ORI’s Dowsing and Healing Energies Convention, April 18- 21, 2014.

The Ozark Research Institute (ORI) located in Fayetteville, Arkansas was founded by Harold and Gladys McCoy in 1992 to bring dowsing into the areas of healing, spirituality, power of mind and the oneness with all that is. ORI’s focus is to assist others in moving forward on their healing path physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Each person who contacts them can be empowered, with the knowingness that they have the ability to heal themselves and others. Everyone can make a positive difference for the world with unconditional love, a love so pure that it asks nothing of you, yet is there for you to use for yourself and others.

There is a healing meditation held every Tuesday evening with about 30 – 40 in attendance. Healing energy is sent out with dedication to helping others and Miracles Do Happen!

ORI members receive the energy of continued good health, healing and financial blessing for themselves and their families each week.

Each April, ORI holds the Dowsing and Healing Convention and each September, the Power of Thought School.  Both schools feature skilled teachers who share techniques that they have been successful in using to help themselves and others.

Miracles Happen!

• We worked with a woman who had been in a severe car accident, trapped in the car for 5 hours. She had several broken ribs, a broken shoulder and collar bone.  Physical, mental and emotional healing was requested.  One week later she was walking with a walker and her shoulder was healed! Remarkable recovery; the hospital staff are amazed.

• We received a healing request for a baby in utero with an intestine developing outside the body.   When the baby was born the intestine wasn’t as bad as expected, the doctor just had to perform a little tuck to fix it.

• A gentleman had lost his job and had been unemployed for 2 years. His friend called for us to include him in our healing loving prayers.   Two weeks later he had a new job and a new home.

Miracles happen when you work with your power of energy, thought and love. Spirit does the rest.

Ozark Research Institute’s mission is “to serve humanity through healing, spiritual awakening, holistic research and education.”

For More information:

Call 479-582-9197

Email: ori@ozarkresearch.org

Website: www.ozarkresearch.org